This three month online coaching experience is for selected reflective practitioners within a church/organization/denomination who are most likely and able to adapt quickly to the changed conditions and pioneer (explore new frontiers and innovative expressions) and articulate new forms (laying new pathways/tracks) for the organization to follow.
We will walk through a process of organizational metanoia through the Movement Journey Curve.
This bootcamp is for movement-ready leaders within the organization.
Leaders who are willing to pioneer and experiment on new frontiers and create viable pathways for others to follow.
Leaders who can decode the learning and help chart the mental maps and viable models for others to follow.
Leaders who can articulate and disseminate learning across the whole.
Example Curriculum
- Session 1 - MDNA Overview & "mDNA as a System" (3:40)
- Session 2 - Coaching Session
- Session 3 - Jesus is Lord
- Session 4 - Disciple Making
- Session 5 - Coaching Session
- Session 6- APEST Culture
- Session 7 - Missional / Incarnational Impulse
- Session 8 - Coaching Session
- Session 9 - Liminality & Communitas
- Session 10 - Coaching Session
- Session 11 - Organic Systems
- Session 12 - Coaching Session